Fighter - Skills

Rapid Strike
IS (Initial Skill)
Deliver five quick blows to your opponent.
Inflicts a random percent of base damage per hit between x-x%. Range of percent increases as the skill is leveled. Does not regain chi for each hit.

Tail Whip
Learned at level 3
Spin and deliver a crushing blow with your tail.
Deals Base damage +10% of weapon damage increasing by 5% per skill level.

Learned at level 6
Shriek at your opponent.
Has a 10% chance to confuse. Chance increases by 10% each skill level.

Kick of Fury
Learned at level 13
Kick your opponent with multiple strikes.
Deals base physical damage +15% of weapon damage, increasing by 5% per skill level. Knocks back your opponent by 5 meters, increasing by .5 meters per skill level.

Tail Strangle
Learned at level 19
Wrap your tail around your opponent and crush him.
Deals base physical damage and makes target sleep for 3 seconds. Increase sleep duration by .5 second per skill level.

Crushing Might
Learned at level 23
Put all of your strength into one crushing blow.
Does double your base damage. Stuns opponent for 2 seconds, increasing by .5 second per skill level.

Flames of the Dragon Soul
Learned at level 29
Call to the soul of the dragons and breathe a stream of fire to scorch your enemies. Does fire damage over time. (suggested by GohanX)
Burns all enemies 10 meters in front of you. Lingering fire damage is equal to base physical damage +20% of weapon damage, percentage increasing by 5% per skill level.

Fighting Spirit
Learned at level 29
Transfer half of your chi into MP and half into HP

Horn Bash
Learned at level 34
Slam your horns into you're opponent.
Deals base physical damage. Deals 30% of base physical damage over time, goes up by 1% per skill level.

Elemental Intensification
Learned at level 39
Increase elemental damage done to an enemy by 15%.  Increases by 3% per skill level.

Infernal Strike
Learned at level 49
Strike your opponent with a fist engulfed in flames.
Deals base physical damage + 40% of weapon damage as Fire damage, increasing 5% per skill level.