Background Story

Few remember this dark tale.  Most believe it to be a fairy tale.  No one alive today know the true story, but have pieced it together from various rumors and tales passed down through the ages. 

Long ago, there was a small town in which many wizards made their home.  As with most towns, they coexisted quite peacefully, but there was one who hungered for power.  His name has long been forgotten, and he is known only as the Dark One in the tales.  He was fairly mad with power, conducting various dark spells in secret to enhance it.

The Dark One preformed terrible deeds.  He made deals with demons and wraiths, summoned horrible creatures, and it wasn’t long before he began making human sacrifices to the demons in return for enhanced power.

When villagers started disappearing, the townspeople soon realized what he was doing.  They were horrified at the Dark One’s deeds, and decided he could live no longer.  Their most powerful White Mage led the revolt.  But the Dark One was ready.

As the wizards approached the Dark One’s lair, he stepped out, already casting a summoning spell.  The clouds above swirled menacingly.  The White Mage couldn’t cast a counter-spell in time.  The clouds opened up as hundreds of dragons rained down on the townspeople.  They were smaller than the True Dragons; the size of a large horse at best.  But they nearly matched the crowd in number.  The wizards took up arms to fight the creatures, while the White Mage and the Dark One faced off.

The battle raged on.  Nobody knows how long it took, both sides losing lives.  The White Mage and the Dark One continued to battle, but it was apparent that the White Mage was not at powerful as the Dark One.  But even though she was lacking the power to defeat him, she kept fighting.  It was starting to look hopeless to the townsfolk.

But in a stroke of genius,  the White Mage started to spin a spell.  She dumped as much of her power into it as she could, knowing it would most likely kill her.  She couldn’t have known the future ramifications of her actions.  As she weaved her spell, she added a twist the Dark One wouldn’t see coming.  He began pouring his power into a spell as well, but kept it at a safe level.  He wanted to come out alive.

They pitted their spells against each other, and when they collided, it sounded like thunder.  It seemed like the White Mage’s spell would be weaker, but she had weaved a power draining spell deep within it.  And when her magic collided with the Dark One’s, it began draining him and her alike.  However, she didn’t expect the Dark One to have as much power as he did, and the spell started to spin out of control.

His power draining rapidly, the Dark One tried desperately to weave a counter-spell.  If he had finished the spell, there may have been a different, much more sinister result.  But he couldn’t finish it before the spell incinerated both him and the White Mage.

His last ditch effort to save himself merged with the already out of control spell.  It grew until it enveloped the fighting mass of wizards and dragons.  It should have incinerated them all as well.  But something much more shocking occurred.  The mix of spells in the battle merged with the out of control spells, and caused a reaction no one could have predicted. 

The dragons and the wizards fused together, creating a completely new race.  But their appearance was completely altered.  Fearing they would be labeled demons or wraiths and hunted by their fellow humans, they retreated.  Hiding deep in the mountains, they picked up the pieces of their shattered lives, and created a new path for themselves.  They would be the Draconians, living in seclusion, but living nonetheless.

Now, when the world is caught in the clutches of war, and even their secluded homeland is being threatened, they emerge.  They live for themselves, but they will fight alongside the other races to protect what they hold dear; their homeland, their well-being, and their lives.